Mon - Fri 08:00 - 21:00 +55 (51) 3225.4210[email protected]
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 21:00 +55 (51) 3225.4210[email protected]
+ 20,000 performed
+ 120,000 performed
Telemedicine consultations
+ 20,000 performed

Ongoing Studies

Dr. Rafael Badalotti, MSc - Neurosurgeon

Identification of GABRA5/GABRA5 membrane receptors as molecular targets in gliomas.

Dr. Eduardo Melo Rodrigues, PhD - Neurosurgeon

Identification of GRM3/mGlu3 membrane receptors as molecular targets in gliomas.

Dr. Jander Monteiro, MSc - Neurosurgeon

Identification of GRM3/mGlu3 membrane receptors as molecular targets in medulloblastomas.

Dr. Moisés de Araújo, MSc - Neurosurgeon

Identification of CSF3R/CD114 membrane receptors as molecular targets in medulloblastomas.

Dr. Rafaela Gonçalves, MSc

Impact of the use of teleneurology in the reduction of referrals in the unified health system – study of 5000 consultations.

Dr. Samir Aler Bark, Doctorate - Neurosurgeon

Identification of CSF3R/CD114 membrane receptors as molecular targets in gliomas.

Dr. Viviane Buffon, Doctorate - Neurosurgeon

Identification of GABRA5/GABRA5 membrane receptors as molecular targets in medulloblastomas.

Dr. Rodrigo Cadore Mafaldo, Doctorate - Neurosurgeon

Validation in Portuguese of the Quality of Life Scale for Vestibular Schwannomas.

Recent Articles

Dr. Gustavo Rassier Isolan , MD, PhD Receives The Farroupilha Medal of Merit
19 de julho de 2024
A CEANNE neurosurgeon coordinated an event held with Prof. Duffau of France
1 de março de 2023
Preservation of neurological function after neurosurgery
1 de março de 2023
Our doctors at CEANNE Guarapuava performed more than 100 neurosurgical procedures in November alone
1 de março de 2023
CEANNE doctors gave a master class to more than 250 neurosurgeons for the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery (SBN)
23 de fevereiro de 2023
Premotor cortex tumor is resected at Hospital Santa Terazinha in Erechim
23 de fevereiro de 2023
Skull Base Surgery with extended endoscopic endonasal approach, neuronavigation, and neurophysiological monitoring
23 de fevereiro de 2023
Residents at CEANNE Rocio win award for best brain dissection
23 de fevereiro de 2023
Residents at CEANNE Rocio presented eight papers at the ABN Conference
23 de fevereiro de 2023
CEANNE Erechim conducted 35 neurosurgeries this October alone
23 de fevereiro de 2023
Dr. Rodrigo Tavares performs awake microneurosurgery in a highly complex procedure
23 de fevereiro de 2023
Chief of CEANNE Guarapuava Finishes Observer Fellowship in Robotic Spine Surgery at Duke University
23 de fevereiro de 2023
CEANNE presents five scientific papers on skull base surgery at the 52nd Brazilian Otorhinolaryngology Conference
23 de fevereiro de 2023
Dr. Gustavo Isolan is invited to discuss training doctors in the digital age at the Innovation in Healthcare Forum
16 de fevereiro de 2023
CEANNE doctors coordinate a hands-on course for the dissection of white brain fibers
16 de fevereiro de 2023